Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy care at DHS

For most women the majority of their care will be at the surgery with regular midwife appointments, however you will need to choose a hospital for your blood tests, scans and delivery.

Our patients usually choose the Lister Hospital in Stevenage or Princess Alexander Hospital in Harlow. Other choices are available, such as the Rosie in Cambridge.

Most women now contact the hospitals directly to organise their booking appointment to reduce delays in getting their first blood tests and scan.

For the Lister hospital please click the link

For Princess Alexander Hospital please click the link

If you are unsure about what foods you should be avoiding then please look at the patient information leaflet on Patient UK- “Diet and Lifestyle During Pregnancy “.

The other useful website is NHS Choices which has lots of information about what to expect throughout your pregnancy.

Lastly please make sure you are taking folic acid 400mcg daily until you are 12 weeks pregnant.

If you have any concerns or would like specific advice please speak to reception who will make you an appropriate appointment.